Fashion Design Kit - Teens

Fashion Design Kit - Teens
Age 9+
Make your ideas come alive with sturdy pinnable mannequin that is just the right size for growing fashionistas. Playing with materials and creating beautiful clothing designs could not be more fun - might just inspire your closet. A great way to get more out of unwanted textiles.
Kit includes:
•A sturdy table top Mannequin with solid wood base – height 20”
•A box of pins (color may wary)
want to learn simple design techniques that could elevate your fashion creations?
watch below videos
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Fashion Design Kit - Teens
How does it work? Check out the video!
Use the mannequin to have your budding designers create a look that is unique and personal. Consider drawing inspiration from other cultures and clothing styles. Choose a variety of fabrics and textures.
Post the pictures to social media #designxcompany